Source code for sr.comp.http.server

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import os.path
from typing import Any, Mapping, Union

import dateutil.parser
import werkzeug.exceptions
from flask import (
from pkg_resources import Distribution, working_set

from sr.comp.arenas import Arena, Corner, CornerNumber
from sr.comp.comp import SRComp
from sr.comp.http import errors
from sr.comp.http.json_provider import JsonProvider
from sr.comp.http.manager import SRCompManager
from sr.comp.http.query_utils import match_json_info, parse_difference_string
from sr.comp.match_period import MatchPeriod, MatchType
from sr.comp.teams import Team
from sr.comp.types import ArenaName, MatchNumber, Region, RegionName, TLA

from .query_utils import MatchInfo

app = Flask('sr.comp.http')
app.json = JsonProvider(app)

comp_man = SRCompManager()

[docs]@app.before_request def before_request() -> None: if "COMPSTATE" in app.config: comp_man.root_dir = os.path.realpath(app.config["COMPSTATE"]) g.comp_man = comp_man
[docs]@app.after_request def after_request(resp: Response) -> Response: if 'Origin' in request.headers: resp.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' return resp
[docs]@app.route('/') def root() -> Response: return jsonify( arenas=url_for('arenas'), teams=url_for('teams'), corners=url_for('corners'), config=url_for('config'), state=url_for('state'), locations=url_for('locations'), matches=url_for('matches'), periods=url_for('match_periods'), current=url_for('current_state'), knockout=url_for('knockout'), )
[docs]def format_arena(arena: Arena) -> dict[str, Any]: data = {'get': url_for('get_arena',} data.update(arena._asdict()) if not arena.colour: del data['colour'] return data
[docs]@app.route('/arenas') def arenas() -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() return jsonify(arenas={ name: format_arena(arena) for name, arena in comp.arenas.items() })
[docs]@app.route('/arenas/<name>') def get_arena(name: str) -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() if name not in comp.arenas: abort(404) arena_name = ArenaName(name) return jsonify(**format_arena(comp.arenas[arena_name]))
[docs]def format_location(location: Region) -> dict[str, Any]: data: dict[str, Any] = { 'get': url_for('get_location', name=location['name']), **location, } del data['name'] if not data.get('description'): data.pop('description', None) return data
[docs]@app.route('/locations') def locations() -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() return jsonify(locations={ name: format_location(location) for name, location in comp.venue.locations.items() })
[docs]@app.route('/locations/<name>') def get_location(name: str) -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() try: location = comp.venue.locations[RegionName(name)] except KeyError: abort(404) return jsonify(format_location(location))
[docs]def team_info(comp: SRComp, team: Team) -> dict[str, Any]: scores = comp.scores.league.teams[team.tla] league_pos = comp.scores.league.positions[team.tla] location = comp.venue.get_team_location(team.tla) info = { 'name':, 'get': url_for('get_team', tla=team.tla), 'tla': team.tla, 'league_pos': league_pos, 'location': { 'name': location, 'get': url_for('get_location', name=location), }, 'rookie': team.rookie, 'scores': { 'league': scores.league_points, 'game': scores.game_points, }, } if os.path.exists(os.path.join( g.comp_man.root_dir, 'teams', 'images', f'{team.tla}.png', )): info['image_url'] = url_for('get_team_image', tla=team.tla) return info
[docs]@app.route('/teams') def teams() -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() resp = {} for team in comp.teams.values(): resp[team.tla] = team_info(comp, team) return jsonify(teams=resp)
[docs]@app.route('/teams/<tla>') def get_team(tla: str) -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() try: team = comp.teams[TLA(tla)] except KeyError: abort(404) return jsonify(team_info(comp, team))
[docs]@app.route('/teams/<tla>/image') def get_team_image(tla: str) -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() try: team = comp.teams[TLA(tla)] except KeyError: abort(404) filename = os.path.join( g.comp_man.root_dir, 'teams', 'images', f'{team.tla}.png', ) if os.path.exists(filename): return send_file(filename, mimetype='image/png') else: abort(404)
[docs]def format_corner(corner: Corner) -> dict[str, Any]: data = {'get': url_for('get_corner', number=corner.number)} data.update(corner._asdict()) return data
[docs]@app.route("/corners") def corners() -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() return jsonify(corners={ number: format_corner(corner) for number, corner in comp.corners.items() })
[docs]@app.route("/corners/<int:number>") def get_corner(number: int) -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() if number not in comp.corners: abort(404) corner_number = CornerNumber(number) return jsonify(**format_corner(comp.corners[corner_number]))
[docs]@app.route("/state") def state() -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() return jsonify(state=comp.state)
[docs]def get_config_dict(comp: SRComp) -> dict[str, Any]: LIBRARIES = ('sr.comp', 'sr.comp.http', 'sr.comp.ranker', 'league_ranker', 'flask') working_set_by_key: Mapping[str, Distribution] = ( # WorkingSet.by_key is not declared in the typeshed working_set.by_key # type: ignore[attr-defined] ) return { 'match_slots': { k: int(v.total_seconds()) for k, v in comp.schedule.match_slot_lengths.items() }, 'server': { library: working_set_by_key[library].version for library in LIBRARIES if library in working_set_by_key }, 'ping_period': 10, }
[docs]@app.route("/config") def config() -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() return jsonify(config=get_config_dict(comp))
[docs]@app.route("/matches/last_scored") def last_scored_match() -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() return jsonify(last_scored=comp.scores.last_scored_match)
[docs]@app.route("/matches") def matches() -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() matches: list[MatchInfo] = [] for slots in comp.schedule.matches: matches.extend( match_json_info(comp, match) for match in slots.values() ) def parse_date(string: str) -> datetime.datetime: if ' ' in string: raise errors.BadRequest( "Date string should not contain spaces. " "Did you pass in a '+'?", ) else: when = dateutil.parser.parse(string) if when.tzinfo is None: raise errors.BadRequest("Date string must include a timezone.") return when filters: Any = [ # TODO: re-work this to get checking ('type', MatchType, lambda x: x['type']), ('arena', str, lambda x: x['arena']), ('num', int, lambda x: x['num']), ('game_start_time', parse_date, lambda x: x['times']['game']['start']), ('game_end_time', parse_date, lambda x: x['times']['game']['end']), ('slot_start_time', parse_date, lambda x: x['times']['slot']['start']), ('slot_end_time', parse_date, lambda x: x['times']['slot']['end']), ] # check for unknown filters filter_names = [name for name, _, _ in filters] + ['limit'] for arg in request.args: if arg not in filter_names: raise errors.UnknownMatchFilter(arg) # actually run the filters for filter_key, filter_type, filter_value in filters: if filter_key in request.args: value = request.args[filter_key] try: predicate = parse_difference_string(value, filter_type) matches = [ match for match in matches if predicate(filter_type(filter_value(match))) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] # noqa:E501 ] except ValueError: raise errors.BadRequest(f"Bad value '{value}' for '{filter_key}'.") # limit the results try: limit = int(request.args['limit']) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: raise errors.BadRequest('Limit must be a positive or negative integer.') else: if limit == 0: matches = [] elif limit > 0: matches = matches[:limit] elif limit < 0: matches = matches[limit:] else: raise AssertionError("Limit isn't a number?") return jsonify(matches=matches, last_scored=comp.scores.last_scored_match)
[docs]@app.route("/periods") def match_periods() -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() def match_num(period: MatchPeriod, index: int) -> MatchNumber: games = list(period.matches[index].values()) return games[0].num periods = [] for match_period in comp.schedule.match_periods: data = match_period._asdict() data.pop('matches') if match_period.matches: data['matches'] = { 'first_num': match_num(match_period, 0), 'last_num': match_num(match_period, -1), } periods.append(data) return jsonify(periods=periods)
[docs]@app.route("/current") def current_state() -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() time = delay = comp.schedule.delay_at(time) delay_seconds = int(delay.total_seconds()) matches = [ match_json_info(comp, x) for x in comp.schedule.matches_at(time) ] staging_matches = [] shepherding_matches = [] for slot in comp.schedule.matches: for match in slot.values(): staging_times = comp.schedule.get_staging_times(match) if time > staging_times['closes']: # Already done staging continue if staging_times['opens'] <= time: staging_matches.append(match_json_info(comp, match)) signal_shepherds = staging_times['signal_shepherds'] if signal_shepherds: first_signal = min(signal_shepherds.values()) if first_signal <= time: shepherding_matches.append(match_json_info(comp, match)) return jsonify( delay=delay_seconds, time=time.isoformat(), matches=matches, staging_matches=staging_matches, shepherding_matches=shepherding_matches, )
[docs]@app.route('/knockout') def knockout() -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() return jsonify(rounds=comp.schedule.knockout_rounds)
[docs]@app.route('/tiebreaker') def tiebreaker() -> Response: comp: SRComp = g.comp_man.get_comp() try: return jsonify(tiebreaker=comp.schedule.tiebreaker) except AttributeError: abort(404)
[docs]@app.errorhandler(werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException) def error_handler( e: werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException, ) -> Union[ werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException, tuple[Response, int], ]: if e.code is None or e.code < 400: return e # fill up the error object with a name, description, code and details error = { 'name': type(e).__name__, 'description': e.description, 'code': e.code, } # not all errors will have details try: error['details'] = e.details # type: ignore[attr-defined] except AttributeError: pass return jsonify(error=error), e.code